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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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The Heart and the Mind
Date: Jun 23, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Romans 10:1–21; Ecclesiastes 1:12, 13, 16, 17; 2:1, 3, 15; 3:17, 18; 5:2; 7:25; 8:5, 9, 16; 9:1; 10:20; 11:9
Summary: The mind gives the concept of thoughts, but these thoughts begin to enter the heart and become the critical need to make the choices that are unlocked by the key of the will.
Ecclesiology: Part Three
Date: Jun 21, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
Flesh Versus the Flesh: Part One
Date: Jun 19, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Making David King
Date: Jun 19, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Whose Son Is This?
Date: Jun 16, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:14–22; 1 Samuel 17:55–58
Summary: Father’s Day message revealing that a good son becomes the commendation to the father. A good son is important to reveal a good father.
The End-Time Burnings
Date: Jun 16, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Colossians 3:5–7; Romans 6:12; Luke 22:15; Luke 24:30–32
Summary: The End Time will reveal the increase of sin to a proportion of intensified cravings for sin and dark. Yet there must be an antithetical burning within the Christian heart and life for Christ.
Postscript of a Prayer Conference
Date: Jun 15, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
The Human Heart of the End Time
Date: Jun 14, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
The Christian Heart Needed for the End Time
Date: Jun 14, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Scripture: Psalm 112:7
The Fixed Heart Needed for the End Time
Date: Jun 14, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Scripture: Matthew 24:11–14; Luke 24:30–32
The Trusting Heart Needed for the End Time
Date: Jun 14, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Scripture: Psalm 112:7; Proverbs 3:5–6
Walk Worthy of the Vocation Wherewith Ye Are Called: With Longsuffering
Date: Jun 14, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Ecclesiology: Part Two
Date: Jun 13, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
The Perilous Words of the End Time
Date: Jun 13, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Scripture: Psalm 112:7
The Ominous Powers of the End Time
Date: Jun 13, 2024
Service Type: Men’s Prayer Conference
Scripture: Psalm 112:7
David’s Years of Flight From King Saul
Date: Jun 12, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Self-Born Versus God-Birthed: Part Four
Date: Jun 12, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
The Callings of Christ
Date: Jun 9, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Mark 1:16–20; Luke 5:1–11
Summary: The calling came to the disciples three times before they finally left everything and followed Christ. How often the call of Christ is seen only as a partial call, and not everything is laid aside and all the life given to the Lord.
Self-Born Versus God-Birthed: Part Three
Date: Jun 7, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Ecclesiology: Part One
Date: Jun 7, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Bible Class Radio Broadcast
David’s Early Life: Part Two
Date: Jun 5, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
The Children of a Covenant: Part Two
Date: Jun 2, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 54:13