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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Found 8 records | Showing records 1–8

A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble
Date: Oct 9, 2020
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Nahum 1:1–8; 2 Timothy 2:19a,b
Thou Art Careful and Troubled About Many Things
Date: Oct 8, 2020
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Nahum 1:7
The Providence of God in Christ's Coming to Jerusalem
Date: Apr 8, 2020
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Luke 9:51; Luke 12:50; Luke 13:22; Mark 10:32; Luke 19:28
The Crisis of His First Rejection at Nazareth
Date: Mar 28, 2018
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Luke 4:14–32
The Prophecies of Psalm 22: Part One
Date: Apr 11, 2017
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Psalm 22:1–11
The Servant Pleasing the Lord
Date: Mar 24, 2016
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Isaiah 53:10; Malachi 1:1, 2; John 3:16
The Name: The Resurrection and the Life
Date: Apr 20, 2014
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: John 11:15, 25, 26, 40–42
Daniel: Refusing to Defile Himself
Date: Oct 7, 2010
Service Type: Congress of Fundamentalists
Scripture: Daniel 1:1-21; Ecclesiates 11:9