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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Found 20 records | Showing records 1–20

Christ's Call to Repentance
Date: Oct 6, 2019
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Revelation 3:14–20
Christ’s Fourth Complaint: The Reality of Their Existence
Date: Oct 3, 2019
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Revelation 3:17
The Lord Gave the Word: Its Power to Change the Lives of Men
Date: Oct 7, 2018
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Psalm 119:126; 2 Corinthians 3:17–18
The Lord Gave the Word: The Need of Illumination
Date: Oct 4, 2018
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:6–16: 1 Corinthians 3:1, 2
The Prayer of Importunity from God's Remnant
Date: Oct 8, 2017
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Isaiah 62:1–7
The Arm of Strength for God's Remnant
Date: Oct 6, 2017
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Isaiah 62:8, 9; Hebrews 6:9–20; Isaiah 53:1
The Spiritual Hope for God's Remnant
Date: Oct 5, 2017
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Isaiah 62:1–12; Revelation 3:20
God's Remnant and the Call to Another Generation
Date: Oct 9, 2016
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
God's Remnant Does Exist
Date: Oct 8, 2016
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:18
God's Remnant Putting to Death the Enemy
Date: Oct 7, 2016
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: 1 Kings 18:39, 40
Overcoming the World of Balaam
Date: Oct 4, 2014
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Revelation 2:12–17
Overcoming the World by Not Leaving Love for God
Date: Oct 3, 2014
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Revelation 3:21; Revelation 12:11; John 16:33; John 1:29
Overcoming the World of Fundamentalist Apostasy
Date: Oct 2, 2014
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
The Remnant: The Hope of Recovery
Date: Oct 6, 2013
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Ezra 10:1–4
The Remnant: Encouraging God's Preachers
Date: Oct 4, 2013
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Ezra 10:1–4; Ezekiel 22:30; Ephesians 4:11–13
Jesus Christ: God’s Appointed Propitiation
Date: Apr 1, 2010
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Romans 3:24-25
Jesus Christ: God’s Appointed Redeemer
Date: Mar 31, 2010
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Exodus 13:1-2; Numbers 3:44-45; Exodus 21:1-6
Jesus Christ: God’s Appointed Saviour
Date: Mar 31, 2010
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Matthew 1:21
The Christ: I Am He That Liveth
Date: Apr 12, 2009
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Be Faithful and You Will Be Secure in God's Hands
Date: Dec 4, 2005
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Jeremiah 26:1-24