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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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Building Our Life Upon Christ: Part Four
Date: Aug 30, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
Building Our Life Upon Christ: Part Three
Date: Aug 23, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
What Is the Gospel for Our Time?
Date: Aug 21, 2024
Service Type: Special Service
Scripture: Romans 10:8–17; John 1:14 ; Colossians 1:5, 23
Summary: The beginning of another school year at Foundations presents the preaching burden for these three nights: “The Gospel and its Continued Power in the End Time.” This first night message is the defining of the Gospel.
Praying for Desires
Date: Aug 21, 2024
Service Type: Opening Sermon to the Schools
Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:6–11; Hebrews 11:1–11; Romans 8:24–25
Summary: The great need of God’s desires for our lives that can come to us through prayer, and faith and hope in God’s promises and provisions.
Building Our Life Upon Christ: Part Two
Date: Aug 15, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
David and the Building of the Temple
Date: Aug 14, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
Militant, but Magnificent: The Paradox of Genders
Date: Aug 11, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Numbers 36:6–13; Joshua 17:3–6
Summary: This message given in the aftermath of the Ladies’ Prayer Fellowship. How God made the woman to be the magnificence of a marriage, as the man becomes the militancy. Strong women are noted in Scripture who stood with their husband in faith and trust.
The Narrative, Movements, and Character of the Shulamite
Date: Aug 11, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:7–9
Summary: An over view of the beautiful Song of Solomon in the light of the magnificence of the Shulamite. Also the 7 titles given by Solomon to the Shulamite is presented.
The King’s Daughter: Foolish or Wise?
Date: Aug 10, 2024
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
The King’s Daughter Versus the Strange Woman
Date: Aug 10, 2024
Service Type: Ladies Prayer Fellowship
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14–18; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Psalm 45:13
Building Our Life Upon Christ: Part One
Date: Aug 9, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
David’s Final Years
Date: Aug 7, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
There Am I
Date: Aug 4, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Matthew 18:15–20
Summary: The importance of prayer is found in this message dealing with individual praying, but also the imperative need of “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” In times of the need for two or three to resolve problems and troubles, we must pray together with the promise that Christ will be in the midst.
Christ’s Prayer For His Own
Date: Aug 4, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: John 17:18–26
Summary: A careful unfolding of John 17 on the eve of Christ’s death. A personal prayer Christ gives to the Father for His own, and for those who would believe on Him in the future through the influence of His disciples.
The Remedy for the Flesh Nature: Part Four
Date: Aug 2, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
My Inner Life Versus My Outward Life: Part Two
Date: Jul 28, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 25:12–14
Summary: This is part-two of the morning message dealing with the thought life and how it prepares the man and the woman for an honest marriage: What is the real men?
My Inner Life Versus My Outward Life: Part One
Date: Jul 28, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 25:6–7, 12–14
Summary: This is a post-Marriage Conference message dealing with how the individual lives within that is the determining value of the true life. The secret to a truthful marriage is how we live within our heart with God.
Dwelling Together: Eight Basic Principles
Date: Jul 27, 2024
Service Type: Marriage Conference
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21–28
Dwelling Together: God’s Divine Appointment
Date: Jul 27, 2024
Service Type: Marriage Conference
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:6–9
Dwelling Together: Twenty-Three Years of Marriage Conferences
Date: Jul 27, 2024
Service Type: Marriage Conference
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1–8
The Remedy for the Flesh Nature: Part Three
Date: Jul 26, 2024
Service Type: Forwarding the Faith
David: His Sin and Sorrow
Date: Jul 24, 2024
Service Type: Wednesday Evening Sermon
The Glory of Man
Date: Jul 21, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Genesis 1:24–31; Genesis 6:1–9
Summary: God gave Adam a command to have dominion over all the earth and everything in the earth. What did this mean? And what happened to this command at the fall of Adam? To what extent will the glory of man become leading up to the Antichrist? What did the acceptance speech of Donald Trump reveal?
The Glory of the Son of Man
Date: Jul 21, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:16; John 1:51
Summary: In the failure of man having dominion over the earth, there will be Christ, the Son of Man, and He will take full dominion over all the earth and become the man to fulfill the command of God in all of His glory.
A President Is Shot; But Our Hope Is Still in Christ
Date: Jul 14, 2024
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 53:1–6
Summary: This message was preached on the day after Donald Trump was miraculously spared from an attempted assassination; and yet, this does not mean he is our hope. The hope of humanity is to be found in Christ alone. His death on the cross, found in Psalm 22, will ultimately bring us to a new humanity in a New Earth.