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The Purpose of Parents

Dr. O. Talmadge Spence | May 4, 1986

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God's Promises and Provisions of Deliverance
Date: Jul 15, 2018
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 41:1–29
Summary: In Isaiah 41, God confronts His idol-worshiping enemies, proving their impotency, demonstrating His own power and greatness, and giving words of comfort and encouragement to His people. God promises deliverance for Judah from the Babylonian Captivity through Cyrus, and provides spiritual deliverance for genuine, remnant Christians through the full atonement of Christ.
Needed Warnings from Hezekiah's Failure with Babylon
Date: Jul 8, 2018
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 39:1–8
The Glorious Song of Praise in the Millennium
Date: Jun 17, 2018
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Isaiah 25:1–12
The Crisis of the Sanhedrin
Date: Mar 29, 2018
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: John 11:47–57
The Crisis of the First Cleansing of the Temple
Date: Mar 27, 2018
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: John 2:13–22
The Word of God: The Bread for the Hungry
Date: Feb 4, 2018
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:1–3; Isaiah 55:1–3, 10, 11
God’s Keeping for Another Year
Date: Jan 7, 2018
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: Psalm 91:1–16
The Past Under the Blood, the Future Under Providence
Date: Dec 31, 2017
Service Type: Watch Night Sermon
Scripture: Romans 8:28; Proverbs 3:5, 6
The Public Presentation of Messiah
Date: Dec 31, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Scripture: John 1:1–34
Revival: Having a Hope in God for Revival
Date: Nov 19, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Romans 15:13; Psalm 119:49
Revival: Deepening the Heart for God
Date: Nov 12, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 3:14–21; Hosea 10:12
The Burden of Christian Education for God's Remnant
Date: Oct 6, 2017
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Isaiah 62:6, 7; Isaiah 54:11–14; Psalm 144:11–15
The Righteousness of God's Remnant
Date: Oct 6, 2017
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
Scripture: Isaiah 62:1–2, 7
God's Desire for Our Church
Date: Jul 16, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 4:13–16
The Prophecy of Christ Our Passover
Date: Apr 13, 2017
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Exodus 12:1–11; John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7b
The Prophecies of Christ’s Being Deserted
Date: Apr 12, 2017
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Psalm 69:8; Zechariah 13:7; Isaiah 63:1–3a
The Prophecies of Psalm 22: Part Two
Date: Apr 11, 2017
Service Type: Annual Bible Conference
Scripture: Psalm 22:16–18
The Holy Spirit in Ephesians
Date: Apr 2, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 1:1–3
The Holy Spirit in the Home
Date: Mar 26, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 5:18, 22, 25; Ephesians 6:1–4; 2 Timothy 1:5–7
The Prayer of Nehemiah
Date: Jan 29, 2017
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–11; Luke 18:1
Doing the Will of God in Readiness for the Second Coming
Date: Nov 20, 2016
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Luke 12:42–48
God's Remnant and Their Children
Date: Oct 6, 2016
Service Type: A Congress for the Christian Remnant
The Doctrine of Balaam
Date: Jul 17, 2016
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Numbers 24:25; Numbers 31:1–8, 15, 16; 2 Peter 2:15, 16; Jude 11; Revelation 2:14
God's Manna from Heaven
Date: May 22, 2016
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Exodus 16:1–4, 11–20, 31–35; John 6:30–33
The Hopes of the Gospel
Date: Apr 24, 2016
Service Type: Sunday Evening Sermon
Scripture: Ephesians 2:12; Colossians 1:20–23