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Dr. O. Talmadge Spence


Women: A Woman

Founder of Foundations Bible College
Date: Aug 9, 1987
Service Type: Sunday Morning Sermon
Text: Luke 1:26–38; John 19:26–27
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A message to set forth the proper view of a woman in contrast to unbiblical understandings, including those of Roman Catholicism and contemporary philosophy.

Sermon Notes

Excerpts from the sermon:

“The words that are replacing a woman are like, ’She fills her role, or she is a worker, or she has a career, or she is a consumer,’ but they are words less than female, less than all the biblical words attached to female: virgin, mother, wife, girl, grandmother.”

“I do not believe the Bible supports an ordained minister in a female sex. In the Old Testament, you find no woman a priest of the Jewish Faith, but you have priestesses all over the place in the Old Testament history of the ancient pagan religions. . . . There were no priestesses in Israel. And I`m not chauvinistic and I`m not macho. It`s simplistic manliness by creation and nature in harmony with the Christian principles. Husbands are head of homes; a woman can never be.”

“On earth, if we lose fatherhood and virginity and motherhood, we`ve lost the outworking of the gospel in our lives. If a home has no head, the gospel will not work out in the home. You can have perfect orthodoxy and be a Fundamentalist to your shoes, but it does not do anything until a male goes back home and becomes the Christian head of that house. And we have got to plead for all women to join the ranks of motherhood, and to join the ranks of motherhood by way of virginity.”

“Now God has an amazing plan to clean up prostitutes and harlots. I have preached and you`ve heard me and you`ve loved me for it. I will never deviate that the blood of Jesus can purify the vilest sinner from all kinds of tragedian marriages and unions and perversions and inversions. At Corinth Paul said, and he named them all—the effeminate, men lovers with men lovers—and he said, Such were some of you, but you are washed, Hallelujah. And let us who by God`s grace were saved from tragedy, love the tragedian too. And if you don`t, you have abused the grace that kept you from.”

“What are we going to do with this twentieth-century international tragedy? We`re going to still say, For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, I`ll love you. This world needs some people to show it and prove it that the grace of God can do these things among us. And the urgency and the fervency of my sermon is born out of, without virginity in daughters, without motherhood, a willingness in marriages, we lose the two greatest ways to set forth the gospel on this earth. It`s not the church that shows Jesus, it`s the family. The church is just supposed to an assembly of godly homes.”

"Two purposes for this place. It`s to help the downfallen and encourage them—the grace of God. I`m doing that with the variety and kinds of marriages I`m performing and advising others. I am not an enemy to grace, but I plead for the godly home, teach your girl virginity. Let her discover it and not invent it, and let her marry a man who was one spiritually. And let us go back to the Cross and rebuild not only broken homes, but keep right homes.”

“We must pray that God will show through our girls how to be a lady: adorned, clean, kept—law, order, design—the ability to say no or yes right, to cross our legs right, to sit right, to do things in pretty little, meticulous circles. And we as men cannot afford to go with frills and spooky ooky on us, looking prissy, walking like we are on high heels and don`t even have shoes on. We`ve got to do things in squares. We`ve got to be a man. I believe there is something to weight-lifting and exercise. I think there`s something in it. It`s the acknowledgement that I`m a man.”

“If at the center of all our correction and discipline is not a living Lord, the regulations and the rules and the discipline is nothing but self-righteousness.”

“I don`t believe any one of us can live a sinless life. I believe only Jesus could, but I believe every one of us could sin less. And the distance between me and my Lord is so great, I will never travel all the distance even throughout all eternity. He is still more glorious than I will ever be, but I`m not going to be discouraged by that. I`m going to let that glorious, wonderful Lord influence me, Hallelujah. I`m going to let His life illuminate me.”

“I can think of nothing on this earth—not talking about the earthly system—I cannot think of anything any where greater than Christ. But I cannot think of a greater exemplification of virtue than mother—godly mother.”

“We cannot change the world, not even the birth of Jesus did, but we can change our home. And the power of the Holy Spirit—It`s primary function and need is to build our homes to be testimonies for the Trinity. May the Holy Spirit today bring vision for your family.”