The Divine Interlude
Books : Miscellaneous
The Divine InterludeSoftcover A Romance Contemporary Christian Chronicle O. Talmadge Spence This is the only novel written by Dr. O. Talmadge Spence. The story is a contemporary romance of a couple who are joined together in love and in the truth of God's Word. Every step in their journey of life is directed toward God. The time begins in 1947 and expands into the twenty-first century (the year 2007). Not only do you read about an ideal romance of a couple destined to live a determined separated life unto God, but you gain an abundance of knowledge in a variety of areas. Subjects such as historic Christianity, modern apostasy, doctrine, ecumenism, eternity, ethics, evangelism, fundamentalism, history, music, art aesthetic, science, and separation are addressed. It is the story of a couple, a family, as the ideal of Christianity in search of the very real. The story is credible. The facts are credible. It is a needed view of the changes of historic Christianity by modern man.
  • Softcover
Price: $12.95